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F allore, E tnagrafiya, S padchyna, T raditsy

"Sacred Vyalichka and walk vyalits with red eggs"

Vyadoma, INTO Vyalikdzen - the most important kalyandarnaya saint of Belarus, yes yakoga  she's scared. Yano Velmi is important, bo  is tied with the uvaskrashennem of Khryst's ukryzhavanaga. And yashche  May shmat of ucherysty moments  detaleva ab getym svyatse, sfarmіravats uyaўlenne ab svoeasable  moments - with the same meaning of farbavan yak-krashanak and yek-pisanak, prokhodze valachobnikak, measured on saba  roles of gaspadar and gaspadyns, yakia gaspsinna quickly  greedy gasses and frequent ones, udzelniki gurts “FEST” padrykhtavali teatralizavanae pradstaulenne “Sacred Vyalichka and wallowing limp with red eggs”. Dzetsyam was tsikava davedatstsa  ab tym, INTO ў aposhnyu nyadzel perad Vyalikadnem, yakaya  called Verbnitsay, vernikі  asvyachali ў tsarkve galinki fluffed up and jumped kalyarovy chills or pinky cvetkas vyarba, such as bili adzin adnago to the jumpers: “Vyarba b'e, I’m not too bad for you, Vyalikdin  not far off chyrvona yacheka. Hello, yak wada! Budz bogaty, yak land! " Gaspadar with jumpers abyhodzin, stsebayuchy, usyu zhyvalu, pabudovs, agarod, field, magil prodka. Asvenchanaya ў Tsarkve  varba abavyazkova  I wanted to go to Verbnitsy.

Uvaga gurtkoўtsak was skіravana i on  same meaning  aposhnyaga  peradvel_kodnaga  you are ..  chatsvyargu, which is called "chysty", bo se prybirali ў at home. And the eighth cycle night from Saturday to Nyadzel is Christmas. Yana was called Usyanochnay.

At pradstaўlenni pakazan, yak gaspadara  padrykhtavalіsya yes "easter": on the steel  farbavany  eggs,  piragi, meat. I ўso geta asvyachali ў tsarkve. Zranka grazing  Usyanochnay, granddaughter prynosіts gaspadaram  svyantsona.Hrystosuetstsa and gavoryts right to the hedgehog. BUT  grandma navuchae, INTO TABA spachatku advaram pamytsa, at yakim farbavalisya krashaanki  hvarob is not bayazza.

And dzyadul not only spaminaets pashyranaya ў populze on Vyalikdzen gulnya “Bitki”, ale і raskazvaets, yak geta patrebna rabits, if you win the shmat “bitka”.

Samay jump, partake of the holy day Vyalikadnya z'yaўlyaўsya  passage  a herd of valachobnіkў sa spyavannem vіnshavalnyh songs  gaspadar, gaspadyns, Padykhodzili and akna, tried to daze and slept sweaty:


"Oh, are you at home, are you pane?"

Tsі spіsh, tsі lyazhysh, tsі adpachyvesh?

Kali spish ci lyazhysh-Duc God is with you,

And if not sleep, not lie down - Duc gukay by myself. "

Tsikavim at the prastadenna was a song with a swinging pashawk-krashanak, requested by a gaspadar from karagod, often great pilgrims coming out of the hut and another dvara.

   On padstav  teatralizavanaga abygryvannya sacred  stock  monay skarbonki, adchuts vartasts pachatay right. 


"Ishla Kalyada kalyaduyuchi"

Our products of the building are Ameli succinct and pravodzits are holy (Gukanne viasny, Hramnitsy, Kupalle, Semukha or Troitsa)  zyamelny tsyklami. Nelga not izgadats i pra Kalyada, yakia  pachynalisya  ў katalikў 25 snow, and ў pravoslavnyh vernikў 7 students -   from the day of Bozhag Narajennya - Rasta.  

    Pavodle tradytsy our prodkaў  sa z'yaўlennem in the sky pershay zorkі (24 snows - at the catalikў and 6 students - at the pravoslavnyh) s'yam'ya sadzilasya at the table, sent to white abruses, pad yaki laid hay. Mustache strava on steel  was  dreams. Abavyazkovay z'yaўlyalasya  porridge from pyarlovyh or barley groats.

    Fired a candle and pamalishysya, syam'ya  pachynala Vyacherats. Geta was ўrachysta - shanaval peradkalyadnaya kuzzya.

    Paslya conceive kuzzi  Pachynalisya winter svyatki: hell 25 snowy days and 6 students - at the catalys and from 7 students and 19 students (Vadohryshcha) –– at the pravoslavnykh. Significant and yashche dzve kuzzi: rich (shchodery)  and vadzyanu.

    The fall of the winter svyataks, when they were ў the gonar of the winter santsazvarot and kalyadnaga meat eater shepherded the Pilipaskaga post, adbyvalisya sapraўdny teatralizavaniya  folk carnivals. Yes, our zen was haunted by hell from the brightest traditional - kaledavanna, the fall of yakoga  yunaki and dzayachty, so called kalyadoshchyky, apranalisya ў gypsy, kabylu,  kazoo, zhorava abo myadzvedzya,  khadzili pa siale, singing songs-kalyadki, skipping a fiddle and a tambourine,  a song to the gaspadar at home with the most shoddy pazhadannyam, and ў adkaz atrymlival pachastunki.

    Yes  summer winter  svyatak-kalyadak is stingy  rykhtavalіsya і adzelnіki gurta "FEST", yakі dzeinichae ў dzyarzhaunai set up adukatsі "Serdnyaya school No. 8 of Grodna" і  It’s not the first year that we know of the pilgrims with the falklore,  ethnography and traditions of Belarus.   Napyardadni  kalyadnaga is holy  tsikavastyu sounded yago history, we know  tradytsyamі pravyadzennya, padbіralі programs materіyal, rabіli sprobes vykanaўtsa dzeyuchy kalyadnykh  asob. The righteous pratsa akazalasya not daremnay. On the right-wing Kalyady, the Gurtskites performed perad nastaunikami and young schoolchildren from  teatralizavanym  pradstaulennem "Ishla Kalyada kalyaduyuchi". Padchas Merapies Gledachy  sustrelyya s  kalyadnymі heroes: shchodray Kalyada, pavadyr kazy, Kazoi, Gypsy, Tsygankay, kabylayu. Kind attitude   at   prying pads   jumping belarusian  Songs-kalyadki ў carved out special herd.

    Pragramna in place of dazenaga  real estate  spraying  pashyrennyu round-looking dziacei, abagachennyu and new musical  emotions  once made  kalyadnykh songs i  gulnyaў,  sadzeinicha develop creative acts, spirited love and Belarusian folk art.



The history of the change of the national culture in Belarus gives a large lump of intelligence, the esthetic thickets, the symbolic spirit and the material of culture and the way of life of Belarusians, as the adorable and perceptive character of those

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Kastsyum is a thawed part of the spirit and material of the world, at which the most bright vyyaўlyayuzza ethnical asablivast is at hand. The skin people are growing yago ў adpavednasts і svаіmі esthetical and ethnical і prastaняlennyamі. Shepherd mova katsyum can serve important ethnichnay prykmetay. Adzenne nalezhyts and the most bright elements of the material culture of the Belarusians, zhavaўshae piles asablіvasci on pratsyagu stagoddzia н, nyagledzyachy on satsyyalny and іnshazemny will jump from the external cultural leaders.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

On the busy days of our gurt, the navuchents are melі magchymasts of the men of the men and women of the men and women of the men and women of the Belarusians, but this is the namіtka, the hanavians, the bryl, the kamіzel, the zhupan and the elements of the



For the chalavek Velma, it is important not only to breathe the native paveters, the Lyubavazets to the warm sleepers, the ale and the adchuvats syaba chatsinkai Radzim, the history of culture, the traditional prodka. Folk wisdom svchits: “Kali you do not know, adkul pryishoў, then you don’t know, where do you go”.

Pad like devizam prakhodzyats busy gurta "FEST".

Nyadaўna navedvalnіkam gurtka fell magchymasts pabyvats on kuhnі Starazhytny Belarusians i davedatstsa INTO is apalonіk for chago vykarystoўvaetstsa dzyazha ... Navuchentsam pashchastsіla Nadab patrymats in svaіh hands zbany i garlachy, yakіmі, magchyma, karystalіsya i Our projects Dzyady pradzedy i ...

дзень роднай мовы.jpg


21 lyutags ўall the light of the meaning International zen native language. Rodnay - meaning love, daragoy, samay-samay. Belarusians have a lot of mighty pazayzdrosts: at spadchyn we found a pas-sapraўdnamu ўnіkalnaya mova.

The competition “Gambling Tuzin” within the framework of the work of the ab'yadnannya on the “FEST” intares were flashed to the getam of saints and nikiravans for the papular Belarusian language.

It’s a fall of gulny guiding gurta pashyryli piles of the Vedas of the great bagazze dear mother praz contests “Amatars of Belarusian falklore”, “Belarusian kalyandar”, “Song bagatstse” and іnshya.



Students of the FEST association of interests visited the Festivalny cultural center. They were able to see the model of the old Grodno, get acquainted with the history of the ancient city, take part in a virtual tour of the streets of Grodno. The guys “visited” the Republican Festival of National Cultures in absentia, and also touched the history of this event through the glass souvenirs of the exhibition.



21 lutaga adznachaetstsa International dzen native language. Our Belarusian language is jumping, mellow, sakavita and soulful. The competition “We are walking in Belarus” within the framework of the work of ab'yadnannya on іntares “FEST” was flashed by the getam of saints and nakіravans on the papular Belarusian language, sadzeinichaў vyhavannyu tsіkavаstі and love and native words.
Vuchni 6th grade sprinkled adzel at the poster

Do you love your mom?

mom = mov

adgadvali riddles, prayavili syabe ў іnscenіrоўtsy ўrykkak s schoolboy zhytstsya, and the taxam zbіralі "scattered" prykazki.


Saint Kalyada

The beloved many traditional saints - geta Kalyada. People are diligent, like shmat hto memory yashche z dzyatsіnstva. Geta і weighty, і kind attitude, і і і praised gaspadarоў. The apranats of katsyums and hadzits were taken on the huts, the game was played.

And yashche adnoy tradytsyayay on Kalyady z'yaўlyaetsa pakaz p'esy "Tsar Irad" at the theater of battles. Pratsa pa padrykhtotsy and pradaўlennya got dirty yashche vosennyu. The guiding gurta has been picked up and taken care of by the batleyk and the lalek with their hands. Shmat took an hour for padrykhtoўka, ale geta was tago warta. Tsudoўnya atrymalisya lyalki and the batleyka itself. And the haloўnay itself, INSIA GETA "Kazka" is installed with any kind of hands.



Splendzer Alyaksandra, udzelnitsa ab'yadnannya na іntares "FEST", yaki dzeinichae at the Museum of Friendship of the People, became laureates of the II stage of the International National Academy of Arts in the contest "Beauty of the Native Land".
Alyaksandra spun an dzel at the National Cuisine Namіnatsy for work "Bulba - other Belarusian bread".



Udzelnіki gurta zdzeisnіlі zavochnaya pile fire on the pile edge. Yany worked in Minsk, Magilev, Bresce, Gomel, Lidze, with the joy of the price of the volunteers of the Small Radzim - Grodna. At the khoze zavochnag of the fall, the people of Gurtskos know the most vivid and significant signs of the native land (castle, church, castles, theaters, vezha, museums and іnsh.). Many guards and schoolchildren were on a sapraday excursion.

Дзіцячыя гульні.jpg

Dzitsyachy falklore

Termin “dzitsyachy falklore” velmi shyroki. Yon ab'yadnoўvae All kinds of vusnay folk paezii, give gifts for dziatsi, and creativity of the dziacei. Here and there are uvakhodzyats and tya creations, such as hatsya and estvarіsya for the gifted, ale from the tsyagam to the hour of perfection ў the development of creativity for the dziacei:
- dzіtsyachyya songs;
- dzіtsyachyya gulnі;
- zabaўlyankі (patseshki);
- lichylki;
- drazhnіlki.
Udzelnіki gurta spyvalі іm dzіtsіachіya songs, nаyemіlіya s hysterіі dzіtsіachі gulnyamі, sounded some lіchylak and drazhnіlak, and a taxama patshak. Vuchni understood that Belarusian dzitsyachy falklore velmi bagaty.

Traditions in our families

On the hell of a busy day, we talked about the great traditions of our families, more radzim for the dzyatsi pachynaetsa from the family. Syam'ya - geta asnony padmurak, dze farmruezza asoba little chalaveka. Velma is important, the atmosphere in the house was spry and trick. Kali small dzіtsya adchuvae syabe I often gettai syam'i, yon the right mind is right, and the light is shining.

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Farmіravanne duhoўnaga voblіku dzіtsyatsі ¢ syam'і pavіnna byts skіravana i prahodzіts in AtmAsfera cult genus syarod partretaў prodkaў, radavodaў, padannyaў great Rep daўnіnu, ekspanataў INTO zvyartayutstsa of mіnuўshchyny yes i suchasnіka spryyayuts vyhavannyu pachutstsya Gonar for pile natsyyu i his people

Recipes for Belarusian cuisine

Udzelnіki gurta with happy recipes for recipes of Belarusian cuisine. Dziachynki of the 5th class told the great national Belarusian strava, how they gatuyuts at their house: draniks, grandma, zatsirka, dumplings, aladki s yablykami, machanka, piraga z yablyshkami.

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Taxam was arganizavana tea, delicious lasunkami.


Polіka Belarusian

50 g zhytnyaga bread, 25 g dried mushrooms, 1 carrot, 1 tsybulina, 1 tbsp. tlushchu ski, 1 hour tamatu-puree ski, 1.2 liters of beef bulena, 0.5 flakes crumpled, salt.

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Zagadzya soaked mushrooms advaryts, bulen pratsadzіts praz folded ў two tissue, mushrooms shatkavats. Zhytnі bread narezats lustachkamі, padsushyts from the dukhoўtsy, zmyalchyts, zalіts insipid kolkassi garachaga bulena, cover, pachakats, pakul astyny. Shepherd the getaga bread mass prazertsі praz sita, zmyashats z rashtai meat bulenu, street hrybny advar.

Absmazy on tlushchy fractional parezany carrots and tsybulu times from tamatam-puree, paklastsi ў bulen, yaki kіpіts. Give padrykhtavany mushrooms, salt, varyts 7-10 hvilin.

Fall polіўku sa smyatanay.



400 g of berries, 70 g of honey, 2-3 tbsp. ski flour.

Fresh yagady pramyts, pastavіts іkh varytsa for agony. Weighed out wheat flour or flour ў slack kolkassi vada. Kali yagadnaya summe razaritstsa, give me paparadely diluted flour and padsaladzіts atrymana masu honey abo tsukram. Strana zmyashats і varyts on weak agni, pervyyychna pameshvayuchy. Strava pavinna became a priest for kisel pa kansistency.

Warta padavats became a warta saladuha with white bread, blinam, and a zapivats - malak.



500 g of pork with sprout, 1-2 cybulins, 1 bottle of bread kvass, salt, pepper, laurel leaf.

Svіnіnu narezats, pasalіts, porch, absmazhyts from about two bakoў. On the lard, which is thawed, the absmazhyts is fractionalized with a parisan cybula. Meat from tsybulai peraklastsi ў sataynіk, zalіts bread kvass and patushіts on light agni 10 hvіlіn.

Falling with bulby puree abo blinami.

Bulba ў garshchochka

10 bulbs, 1 flask crumpled, cropped greens, laurel leaves, pepper garoshak, salt.

Achistsіts bulbu, pakryshyts, paklastsi ў glinany garshchochak, give salt. Zalіts crumpled, pasta at the stove and tushyts pad lid and gatoўnasts. Grass the pared crops and drop from the salad with fresh agaric acid. Can dabaўlyats pry stewed mushrooms, meat.


Belarusian traditional country. Meat names - shingles, agulnik, machun, dzed, bulby porridge. I squash the tattered bulb with salam, tsybulyu meats, perameshvayuts, spread it out at the smeared dishes. For hours at my grandmother's dadayuts flour, cereals, mushrooms. Gatova grandma is extremely sprinkled with oils, lard, or poison with malak, crumpled, infusion with brusnits, zhuravin, bjarozav juices.

Machanka pa-syalyansku

Machanka, albo verashchak, traditional country for machannya blino. Kavalki svinyiny and raw syalyansk kabasy absmazhyts. Wheat flour or barley flour is mixed with a vada, the street near the kipen is pameshvayuchy, and otvarennya redkay flour padlivy. Dadts laurel leaf, celery, salt, padpechany tsybula, kavalki lard, svininy and syalyanskay cabbasy. Pasta for 20-25 hvilin at the dukhoku. Padavac zgatavanuyu machanka z blinamі.

Bread kvass

Zhytkі bread is cut on lustachki, dried, padsmazhyts cut on weak agni. At a slack barrel of wood, garachuyu vada, dadats bread, praroshchany bujna molaty barley, honey, truncated peramyash and pasta for 23 days for sourdough and cereal haladnavata month. Pervyychna zhymatsya foam. Kvass is vytrymats on holadze 5-6 zen, followed by pratsadzіts.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

200 zhytnіkh rusks, 20 g barley, 50 g honey, 5 l vada.


Belarusian country. Named so, bo kavalachki cesta zatsіrayuts.

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Bjaruts with flour jumping, pashklyanki vada, eggs can be used, a hell of a tea ski salt. Peratsіrajuts hands, pakul is not small balls. Varats at saleonai vadze, malatse, falling with pasmazhanai tsybulai millet, alba oils with malac.


At the boiled meat broth paklastsi bulba, cut into cubes, and zvaryts yae and know gatoўnastsi. Dadts are washed and narezanae shchae, bread kvass, dave and kipennya. Shchaўevіk pasypats zdroblenai zelyanіnay, palіts crumpled.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

300 g of bread, 300 g of meat, 2 bulbs, 25-50 g crumpled, 1 bottle of bread kvass, zelyanin, salt.

Aladki with apples

Warm malace has a lot of tsukar, salt and yeast, paklasti flour, eggs, good peramyash and pasta for 2.5-3 gadzins for a month. Yablykі narezats skylkami і paklastsі ў cesta perad bake.

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A steel ski skis apustsіts at the razagreta tlushch, then ascyarozna yzyats cesta once sa skrylkami apples and paklastsі to the hospital. Absolutely with two bakoў aladkі fall with oils, crush for honey.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

1.5 flakes of flour, 2 apples, 1 egg, 0.25 l malac, 10 g dragee, 60 g tlushchu, 25 g zukru, salt

Krugazvarot folk saints

Udzelnіki gurta ahvotna spun edzel at the stem of the poster "Circle of folk saints", as a dapamog of a glimpse of the Belarusian folk saints, asablіva tymy, as a result of a thumbs-up are not poisonous.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

The task of dzelnikў was that I would call it sacred for the little ones, and the taxam for the people, for the heights is sacred.

Kalyadnaya batleyka

Tretsyaga student 2020 dzіtsyachym schoolchildren camp "Respublika Spadchyna" adbylosya not extraordinary dzeya ... Dzіatsei guided the theater is not extraordinary, for the yakog not patrol great halls, sluggish corpse, masavaya stsena. A truncated, INTO spatrebіzza - a pair of accera, not kalkі lyalek, hiding from two izroўnyamі. And the protrusion is possible on the kirmash, on the steam of the hut ci pasyrod of the volitsa ... Without the narodnaga teatra - batleyki - yashche some stagoddziaў there was a tsyazhka ўyavits yako-nebudz holy. Ab give the tradition of goodness in memory of the AUA "Syarde school №8 in Grodna".

At the center of the hall - batleyka. Guchyts music, z'yaўlyayuzza lyalki, performance of pachynaets .... Pastanoўku "Tsar Іrad" pakazali dzetsi, yakіya guide the gurtok on іntares "FEST".

All gledachy, zataіўshy breathing, nazіralі, yak аzhyvayuts lаlki, ruined mely rykami dzelnіkaў gurta. The pastan workers gave the great history of the life of the Second, the wretchedness of the tsar, who wondered if they weren’t malnourished, and sweat for the pile dzei trap at the hell.

Adnak was built not only from the theater pastanoўki. Gledachy spun adzel at kalyadnay varazhbe, competition for samaga kemlivaga, patchuli kalyadnya songs. Yak і spruce ў hetya charoўnyy days, at Pavetra the moon is a spirit of joy and heat.

Bulba - other Belarusian bread

They were so busy with the Belarusian countries, like the bulbs. Udzelniki gave the right, yak bulb trapіla ў Eropu, INTO ў Belarus bulba vyadoma since 1850.

Bulba is an important family of Vitamin S. Yan Bagat, both minerals and minerals. Cheese bulbyany juice іnshy times sprinkled with lyachennі country.

Syarod agarodny bulba is the most kalaryny. Bulba won over a month on our steel. There are hundreds of countries, I don’t have a poisonous hurry, I’m abed, injuries. Bulba feeds people, and I just call other breads chalavets.

At the hodza, a busy taxi driver ўspomnіlі prarepty natsiyalnah stra s bulba (dranіkі, grandma, bulba ў harshchochku і іinsh.), Funky and prymaykі right to the hedgehog.

Asablivastsi nationality azennya


Bright for the rest of the national culture of Belarus z'yalyaetsa folk azenne. Belarusian folk adzenne farmed on pratsyagu stagoddzyaў. Tamu lichyzza, INTO grazing the movy folk adzenne is the most important ethnical prikmeta.

Adzin s busy gurta were flashed asablivasts for the national stay (adzennu, uprygozhvannyam). Udzelnіki gurta detaleva razgledzelі belarussian nationally zhanochy katsyum, grazing chago with easy addendum on early attempts:
1. Yakia colors ў kotsyum peravazhayuts?
2. What is the color of the color?
3. What are the items in the warehouse?
3. Are yakia geametric figures typical for the katsyum zhanochag?
4. What kind of materayal have you carved?

Sennya u nashay hatse is holy

Udzelniki gurta presentavali saint Vyalikdzen syarod vuchnya 1-2-x class and great traditions:
• as a saint;
• chamu color of yak chyrvona;
• zakhavanne velikodnaga abrus for pratsyagu tselaga of the year;
• abmyvanne zetak chyrvony eggs.

Artists-pyatsiklasniki spyavali chastushki, vadzili karagod, told the peaks of Vyalikdzen.

Gledachy is high acanilі performed by young artists, expressing the words of padzyaki.

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