Scenary saint "Kalyadnaya Batleyka"
Matters and tasks: learning from the traditions of the Belarusian people, Iago cultural spadchynai; zvyarnuts respect for schoolchildren in bagazze Belarusian falklore; paznayemіts with battles folk theaters, asablіvastsyamі yago pahodzhannya і starennya, pakazats batleichnaya prastalenne "Tsar Irad"; daluchyts vuchnyaў yes holy kavannya Kalyad; pakazats, at yakia gulny walk, vykhovats pavagu, tsikavast and national saints, love and dear kutka.
Dzeyuchy asoby: kalyadoshchykі, vyaduchy.
Uvakhodzyats at the hut, the song “Dobry Vechar” by the embroidered ensemble “Haroshki”.
USE: Good Zen to you!
We and you go,
Kalyadu is vyadzem.
Dazvolce ў the hut of the rabbit
And the people here ceraz the edge ,.
Hotsy you ski meashi !.
Are you glad to see us?
Can't we smell it?
And yashche ў pryvitannі pazadat we hatelі for you.
Kab hell nashaha spatkannya you памse pamaladzelі
If you didn’t know what was wrong.
Cab zhyly ў vesyalosts
Let's take hell to the edge and to the edge
Shchatsya and dabra we are hungry!
Kalyady - saint Dakhrystian, folk and pratsyagvaets tsyaper from 6 students to 19 students, and earlier it was from 24 snows and 6 students. Cali passed yes us hrytsіyanstva, people didn’t thirst for adrakaztsa hell tradytsya, that gartavalіya stagoddzyamі, і didn’t come across, like ab'yadnats new and old, holy pagan tamuya saints of God, supine z Vadohryshcham. Pershapachatkova and people admittedly zusim not naradzhenne Khryst, but pachatak adlik of the new year. On the first step of the day Kalyada pachynala pavyalichvatsa daўzhynya the light of the day grazing the winter sonsastayannya - our products are lichyly, which is so naradzhaetsa new sun
There is a different version of the name of Kalyady - the meaning of the word “cola”, and geta and the old name of the sonnaga dyska, the words “kalenda”, which is the first time of the day of the skin of the month. Magchyma, mesya on ўvaza and pratses - kalyadoshchykі hadzіlі pa khatakh, dze іkh chastavali, and then more often than not, we have a pachastunak, they are just a hedgehog na kole ("count of poison").
What were the great Kalyadas? Tym, INTO rykhtavalіya and іkh zagadzya and і Velma shchyra - hut jumped, flooded with a paradox on the padvor, gaspadars washed ў laznі. On kalyadnye tydnya nelga was pratsavats, and eighth vesyalіstsa was velmi pazhadan.
Adzin z kalyadoshchyk:
Every once in a while
Lush aladkams,
Zatsіkalyu, I will enchant
Songs, riddles.
Without a head, but without hands, the abruses are ssele. (Meatsel.)
Uletku adpachyvayuts, and іzіmku dzyatsey katayuts (Sankі).
Walking ў field, not a horse, flying free, not a bird (Vezer).
Without a syakera, without a pila, but I will be masters (Maroz).
Latsyatsa ptushki without wings, and sadzyatstsa without legs. (Snyazhynki)
Other kalyadoshchyk:
On Kalyady ўse gadayuts. Come on and we are guessing.
Dziachyny, pad nitkami znakhodzyatstsa neykia pradmets: vuzelchyk with salt, earth, tsukram, bread, parstsenkami and a piece for flax. You are on charze tsiagnitse.
(Dziachyny na charze choose vuzelchykі z nіtkami) =
Not selected value:
tsukar - kind, salodkae zhyzzyo,
bread - rich zhytstyo,
parstsionak - malady zhanikh,
Schotka - old genih,
zamlya - shchasl_vy year,
shifter - year bagata,
tsukerka - year salodki,
guzik - year of the jumper,
Alovak is the year of the paspiakova for the vuchoba.
Tretsi kalyadoshchyk:
Well, music, play, play,
Yes, ask for a party!
Gulnya "Blin garyts".
Sadzeynic development of hutkass, sprytnasts, hutkass reaktsi.
Walking chertsyats on the earth circle, at the yak and stanovyatsts. Lavets, stashy spinay and circle on adleglasti 3 - 4 m., Gavoryts: “Blin garyts!”. A mustache vybyagayuts from a circle, ale adraz and іmknutstsa runners ў Iago heat. The shopkeeper at the geta hour sprabue zaplyamіts kago-nebudz s іgrak. The one who zaplyamilі, stanіtstsa lautsom, і gulnya pratsyagvaetstsa. Lavets May right plyamіts іgrakў, yakіya signodzyatstsa sa zeshnjaga on the side of the circle.
Gulnya "Zolata".
Sadzeinichatsi development of hutkassts_reakts_, sprytnasts_, nationalities.
“Zolata” - slurry stone, gusik, manet.
Place gulny:
Walking sadzyatstsa ў glad. Vyaduchi is not close to the hawai "zolata" in the hands of kago-nebudz from igrakoў. Sweat yon adyhodzіts for 3 - 4 crocs and krychyts: "Zolata, yes myane!"
The one with Kago Shavan “Zolata” is a pavinen uskhapitstsa and beggars and vyaduchag. Ale ўse vazhliva soots adzin for hell and іmknutstsa zatrymats іgraka z "zolatam". Kali is not a pit, I am glad, a gulny pachynaezza is a spachatku, a kali udaetsa, - I am staunchy, but an elusive one is borrowed for a month. Gulnya pratsyagvaetstsa. Walking around are not pavinny padavats I look like “gold” ў іх nyama.
And we ask the tsyaper from the Batleichny theater
Pakaz pradstaulennya "Tsar Irad".
Paslya pradstaulennya ўse go out to the paklon і times abvyashchayuts:
And the tsyaper are good to you,
Once a year we are Chakaits.
We wish you hello, shchatsya,
Kab was not a nanny,
If your hut was a meeting of the bagata!