Scenary is holy "Sonnya ў nashay khatse is holy"
Matters and tasks: learning from the traditions of the Belarusian people, Iago cultural spadchynai; zvyarnuts respect for schoolchildren in bagazze Belarusian falklore; paznayemіtsya saints Vyalіkdzen and asablіvastsyamі yago svyatkavannya; daluchyts vuchnyaў and svyatkavannya Vyalikdzenya; pakazats, at yakia gulny walks and yakia songs spyavali our prashchurs in Belarus; vykhovats pavagu, tsikavast and national saints, love and dear kutka.
Dzeyuchya asoba:
Dzetsi - 4 dziachynki and 1 cotton
(Dzeyanne adbyvaetsa ў extraordinary vyaskovay hats. Pasyaredzin halls are a table, sent to self-woven abrus. On steel - kvass, eggs, salt, kabasy, vyandlina, horseradish, pyrog. Guchyts Belarusian folk song, mother.
Tata. Pavazhany state! Disrupt you!
Mum. I am Yanina.
Tata. And I am Yas.
Mum. Hell of shchyraga serts, hell of a sluggish soul, we ask you for a falklore pasyadzelki.
Tata. Zen tamu are kind, hto ў getym lady. And the people here are tseraz edge, like you ski meashi.
Mum. Kind Zen to you, and are you glad to us? Kali, you are glad to us, we and you parades.
Tata. And we rode far away and went to the Easter pasyadzelki.
Mum. Z deeply daўnastsi pryishoў yes we gety folk zvychay Easter - "king of Zen". Holy holy ў - the so-called gety zen. Iago svyatkuyuts is bright, magnificent, song-like, guchna.
Tata. In hellish words, let's sit down radkom, dy pagavory okay.
Mum. I paklich is holy. Yes, not only on the hetya padmostki, ale ў sertsa, in the soul, in the dummy. Tady and saint - for saints.
(Guchyts music. Yanina take out on the rushnika pachastunki)
Mum. Yas, neshta zetak nash doga nyama dadomu (look at akno).
Tata. Do not boast, jump at once. May you, who are your family sustrels and grandmothers running. Holy one, Yaninka!
Mum. Tamu and I boast that it is holy. To the steel of the tube. Chastavaztsa, svyatkavats, God slavits.
(Yas ustae, podikhodzіts and Yanіny)
Tata. Vedaesh, Yanina, if I would be a little hlapchuk, then Velmi chakaў would be a little bitch. Tady matsi told me that this service is a sluggish hymn, a peramogi zhytstsya over the death, the primacy of God from the chalavek and the chalavek to the Gods.
Mum. Easter and svyatkuyuts from the day is not only faithful, but ale and distant hell of God people. Wouldn't it be that the soul was purely abysmal, if only we understood, that it was only for love, yes, yes, yes.
Tata: Lichylasya, in Vyalikdzen pachynae kukavats zyazyulya. Dziaўchaty skakalі tseraz sanі: katoraya, peraskokvayuchy, upadze, zastaetstsa old dzeўkayu vekivats.
(Zabyagayuts dziachynki-daughters and son-cotton)
1 dzayachynka. Oh, mother, what a holy, yak horasha!
2 dzayachynka. And the vyasna is yaky warm, the sleepyhead is gray ...
Mum. Easter! At the pipe patching
Anela trumpets s nyabes ...
Budzce shchaslіvy you, zetki,
Rejoice! Khrystos uvaskros!
3 dzayachynka. And Matrona showed that the son of God came to our land a lot for 2000 gadot tamu back, in order to vyratavats people hell of evil.
Tata. So, zetki, so.
2 dzayachynka. Іyon naradzіўsya hell of God - batsky and Most Holy Dzeva Mary.
3 dzayachynka. Tady yashche yakraz vigilant ў flashed in the sky.
4 dzayachynka. Usё zhytstsё Isus Khrystos satvarak tsudy: curing sick, uvaskashaў pamerly people, suppressing stykhіі.
Mum. Isus Khrystos love people. And to svaim vuchnyam yon kazak, INTO Iago zab'yuts, ala God uvaskres yago on the tretsi zen. So I hid. The first gety Zen is the most sluggish saints - Easter. Sitayce at the table. Eight and good yours.
Hrosnaya. Zen are kind, kumochki. Sa to you saints, in a dull day!
Tata. Dzecі, vіtaytsya splendid!
(Dzetsi abdymayuts hrosnuyu)
Hrosnaya. And I made my own hrosnik gastsinchyk. Vedaetse, everybody, INTO a great egg, atrymane hell kago-nebudz first, not a psuetze tsela year and May, great power. Kuma, let's wash with jatsy wada, for yaku pakladzena patching і syrebranya raches, and taksama chyrvonae yayka. Getym yaykam treba pagladzіts tvarykі vashy, room you bylі zaўsody rumyanyya i chyrvonashchokіya, zdarovyya dy zhvavenkіya (gladzіts yaykam creatures prygavorvae: "Yak geta yayka rumyanae dy kruglae, nyahay Our projects dzetkі buduts rumyanyya krutyya dy, dy zdarovyya zhvavenkіya").
1 dzayachynka. And I know that the Easter egg is the son of the sun, love and hope.
Mum. And what about chamu, zetki, Easter egg of chyrvonaga color?
2 dzayachynka. Chyrvony kohler - geta cut of Khryst, yakuyu yon pralin for grahі chalavechyya.
3 dzayachynka. And I was bachelor, INTO YAKI FARBUYUTS AND INSHY COLOR.
Hrosnaya: Early set of farbavali eggs ў shalupenny z tsybuli ў chyrvony color. Such a egg was called a krashanki i dug up, yak a burrowing hedgehog. Ale was the egg and the inshaga color scheme, as it is important for me:
* bright joўty - simval of the sun, vyasennaga tsyapla;
* blakitny - the treasure of the sky, pavetra, prastory;
* zaleny - simval abujennya pryrody;
* chyrvons - radastsi tsimval.
Tata. Eighth here for you, for you, an Easter egg. Pakashtuyce yago z solkay.
(Use the egg and the salt)
Hrosnaya: Abrus, on yak a flock of great strava, please, kumachka, creeping tsely year: yon ahoўvae hell city. If you have lost your mind, you have spilled the yago on the dvars, and do not be afraid of the niyakaga of the Perun.
Mom: Dzetki, the paraduite of us is chim-nebudz at such a tsudoўnae is holy.
3 dzayachynka. Sing.
4 dzayachynka. I karagodam.
(Sleeping and dancing)
Holy, holy sonnyka, if it was a chicken for us,
Oh, li-li, li-li, it was a trick for us.
Oh, li-li, li-li, it was a trick for us.
Yachki katayuchy, songs singing,
Oh, li-li, the songs are merging.
Oh, li-li, li-li songs come together.
Hrosnaya. Ay, jakuyu.
Mum. I am so good at the Sertsy, so easy (look at akno).
1 dzayachynka. And I know the top of the great Vyalikdzen. Pasluhayse:
Iryna Bagdanovich "Vyalikdzen"
Asvechanay varby full of galina,
Dakladny sign for winter exit.
The hour of raspache minu! Adpushchany are right!
Such shchaslіvy zen! Khrystos vaskros!
2 dzayachynka і cotton: I we rykhtavali to the holy verch.
Yanka Kupala "Vyalikdzen"
Two are holy on the candle - hell of a niva and a niva:
Khrystos uvaskros! Stepping vyasna!
Look dare, look free, shchaslіў, not shchaslіvy.
I farther to life from panіzhennya and sleep!
Hey, hey, on the spatkan of the flabby two saints
Spyashytse supolna, hto ў confusion not zgnіў!
Hai liuzza-zyluzza hell huts and huts
Have adno ўse gramada, mustache people ўсіkh nіў!
Vyalikdzen! Vyalikdzen! - Hell of Niva and Niva.
Forgetting not adzin for us nyadanny days,
And the self-conscious, self-conscious, non-sleepy,
Abtykh, INTO ў svitanni forever adyshli, -
Vyalikdzen! Vyalikdzen! - hell niva yes niva
Zavodzіts batskoў svaіkh song son.
Зірні f, azіrnіya, shchaslіў, not shchaslіvy.
I am on the field tomorrow, yes yak adzin!
Dagetul we cry, Dagetul we will heap,
We cannot dream of eternal dreams ...
Immediately na shchasse! Hai evil ўso falters
Viasna ўjo on the candle, - Khrystos uvaskros!
Mom: Oh, May you darazhenkya! Dzyakuy you for such words. And all at once must always celebrate Easter. Kozhnamu na kavalachka. Delicious ecci.
(Chastuuzza loaf)
3 dzayachynka (padskokvaye) . We praise the hell of the soul for you.
We dance and sleep
Already zamelitsa dryzhyts,
And on meen I’m maladying
My little glance.
Tambourine b'e, accordion igrae,
Pamagae im duda,
Without harmony and pipe
Nogi hozyats are not there.
And tsі pіts, tsі pets,
And tsi pagulyatsi,
Yak with you, Duc with us
Cheerful ў haze.
Weighed, weighed,
Kolki jumpers.
Pryazhayce, syabry,
Yes, we have the state.
1 dzayachynka. Mom, tata, hrosna! Are you Easter habits?
Tata. The geta zen had old people racking up the rolls from the patrons, if they had as many Onukas as the rolls at the galava.
Mum. Washed with zolatam, sarabrom, cab razagatsets.
Hrosnaya. Young lads and dziaўchaty Ozbіralіsya on dakhі damo, kablei razglazets, yak budze grats і veselіtstsa soneyka. Kali geta abacac - tsely year buzuts vesyalіzza.
Mum. Forgotten pra yashche adzin daўneyishy zvychay. We all chrystosya on Easter, we kiss adzin adnago and gavorym: "Khrystos uvaskros".
(Usse times abdymayuzza)
Mustache. Sapraўdy ўvaskros!
Hrosnaya. And an eight geta you cab smutku was not, room darogay lyagchey іshlosya, room savory elasya, shchaslіva zhylosya (Hrazdan padarunkі hresnіkam).
Mum. Dzyakuy to you, dzetki, INTO padarily us mora svaigo tsyapla, tsudam is the soul of a father. І nyahai at the geta is light Zen on the sertsa does not lie at any price. І Budzem we Slavits light sluggish nyabes, more sonnya oh, tsuda, Khrystos uvaskros!
Mustache. Sapraўdy ўvaskros!