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  1. The Germans never invite you home. They are used to celebrating holidays outside the home: in cafes, in rented premises, in restaurants, outdoors, in other countries.

  2. The Germans are very frugal. They can start to understand even for 10 cents.

  3. The Germans have no fences. They are used to seeing the streets and their neighbors.

  4. The Germans have no curtains on their windows. They are very fond of glass doors and floor-length windows through which you can see the terrace.

  5. In German couples, it is customary to pay everyone for himself, even if you are in a restaurant or in a store.

  6. The Germans work slowly but efficiently; they make any movement according to the developed plan.

  7. Germans like to be in some kind of ferein (like a circle). For example, fishing or archery enthusiasts, yachting enthusiasts, mushroom pickers, etc. Each Ferain has a meeting room. A fee is charged monthly for being a member. And you must take part in the events that your ferein holds.

  8. If neighbors are noisy, the Germans will never go to figure it out on their own, they will call the police.

  9. The Germans love order in everything. They sort waste: paper separately, plastic separately, glass separately (and also by color), food waste separately, clothes and shoes separately.

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